I’m heading over to the big “S”!
Medium — it’s been real — thanks. Time to move on…

Dear Followers,
Thanks for being there. Thanks for helping me to cut my teeth and learn my craft on this platform — I am eternally grateful.
Thanks Medium and thanks to the publications that boosted my confidence by publishing my first efforts: @KTHT @Illumination @The Lark
You have helped prepare me to take the leap into more open, more vulnerable territory on Substack and now is the time to try…
If you would like to read about my observations on the state we’re in from the open door of my studio, you can subscribe for free at:
You’ll find essays on Art, Living the Dream, Aging Well, Lifelong learning and Curiosity — together with some surreal anecdotes and tips for navigating the above whilst maintaining a sense of humour and an open mind.
If you do find me on Substack.com, please send me a “Hi”.
It’s all about community over there…
Au Revoir,