Member-only story
I want you to have my life.

Who am I?
Your average Joe.
My family is nuclear — my rhythms are regular.
I am Jack’s grumbling ulcer and Pulp’s common people.
Apart from some persistent emotional abuse — which keeps me motivated,
I can hum Pharrell’s “Happy” and mean it –
I can be a party animal and seem it.
I am the stats — have lived according to the norm.
So far, so beautifully small — as in Schumacher.
Who am I?
Nobody — and yet –
I live extraordinarily, right here, right now.
The plan?
Never even had a “pla” — and now I live the dream.
Smug? — no. Grateful — yes.
Suffer fools gladly? — no way. Say it like it is?
“Hell, yeah!”
I would sell you the picture of the blue sky, azure sea, artist life on the shores of the Med (mer sea!) — but you wouldn’t buy it, cautious as you are.
I want you to though — I want you to have a normal life — an alive life — free, in the real sense of the word: engaged, busy, making links — sometimes making a difference…